Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Making a GLOBAL SUN CLOCK Model | DIY Paper-Craft Equatorial Sundial | Paper-Craft

Example of Sundial Appearance after being printed on 70g HVS paper and assembled

So far we have known that there are many different kinds and models of sundials; there
are models Upright ( vertical Sundial ), horizontal ( Horizontal Sundial ) or even curved
Equatorial Sundial ).
This time I tried to make a curved version which is a modification of various models of the
Equatorial Sundial/ equatorial dial/ equinoctial dial ; that exist all over the world.

So in addition to the instructions for the Hours/Times , there are also instructions for the months of January to December .
While the existence of Analemma which is similar to the number 8, to show the time correction.

This work of mine is a modification of some of the Sundials in:

  • Ancient Bench Clock in several Mosques in Indonesia'
  • Selangor Malaysia
  • Bütgenbach, Belgium
    Suitable for use in areas around the Equator; especially the latitude range of 23.5° North Latitude – 23.5° South Latitude.
    I hope it's accurate and useful...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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#EquatorialSundial #JamBencet #JamIstiwa’



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